World's scriest bodybuilder Illia Yefimchyk dies of heart attack at 36

First Published Sep 14, 2024, 4:15 PM IST

The sudden death of the world's scariest bodybuilder highlights the risk of heart attacks in young people. This article explores the potential reasons behind this concerning trend and provides insights into gym safety and heart health.

Bodybuilder Ilya

Illia Yefimchyk, dubbed the world's scariest bodybuilder, died of a heart attack at the age of 36. Admitted to the hospital on September 6 due to chest pain, he was placed in the ICU but slipped into a coma. He breathed his last a few days later, on September 11. Despite not competing professionally, the Belarusian bodybuilder had amassed a large following on social media by posting videos of his workouts. He reportedly ate 7 times a day, consuming 16,500 calories.

Heart Attack

“Lifting weights and working out at the gym are beneficial for heart health, muscle strength, and overall fitness, but only if done in the right way and moderation,” say doctors. They advise maintaining a balanced lifestyle to compensate for these activities and avoid strain on the body. “For individuals engaged in extreme bodybuilding or weightlifting routines, it is crucial to monitor heart health and avoid the use of performance-enhancing drugs,” doctors say. It is vital to remember that moderation, proper technique, and regular medical check-ups ensure gym workouts contribute to long-term health rather than posing a risk.

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Heart Attack

A heart attack occurs when blood flow to a part of the heart is blocked, usually by fatty deposits and other substances in the coronary arteries. This blockage prevents oxygen-rich blood from reaching the heart muscle. High cholesterol, high blood pressure, smoking, obesity, and a sedentary lifestyle are major contributing factors to heart attacks. But young and seemingly healthy individuals can also be at risk, especially if they have an underlying heart condition or use unhealthy substances like anabolic steroids. Doctors suggest that several factors could have contributed to Ilya Yefimchyk's death.


Given his intense focus on bodybuilding, some potential causes could include excessive physical stress, possible misuse of performance-enhancing drugs, an underlying heart condition, or genetic predispositions. Experts explain that bodybuilders, due to their physical prowess, might ignore symptoms of heart problems, misinterpreting them as general muscle soreness or fatigue.


How to keep yourself safe?

It is important to follow some guidelines to ensure a safe and effective regimen. Begin with warm-up and cool-down exercises for at least 20 minutes before and after intense workouts at the gym. Pay attention to your body's responses after exercising, if you experience chest pain on the left side or discomfort in the arms, seek immediate medical attention. Similarly, if you experience dizziness, heart palpitations, difficulty breathing, palpitations, or fainting, stop exercising and seek medical advice. Avoid overexertion through intense workouts for prolonged periods as it puts excessive strain on your heart. Do not blindly follow fitness trends just because they are popular on social media trends. Prioritize a heart checkup before starting any strenuous workout routines as it helps detect any potential heart problems early on. Focus on overall well-being by eating a balanced diet, staying hydrated, and getting enough sleep. Low-impact exercises like brisk walking, cycling, or swimming, help improve heart health. It is always advisable to avoid consuming supplements or performance-enhancing drugs unless prescribed by a licensed medical professional.

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