Walk one hour daily: Simple steps for effective weight loss

First Published | Sep 24, 2024, 12:33 PM IST

Walking offers numerous benefits for our bodies. It helps in reducing body weight, promoting fitness and health, and aiding in weight loss. Have you ever wondered how much weight you can shed by simply walking for an hour each day? 

Walking is one of the easiest ways to lose weight without much effort or equipment. Yes, walking not only helps you lose weight but also has many other health benefits. That's why doctors always recommend walking in the morning or evening. 

Many people don't believe that walking, like other exercises, can help you lose weight. But if you walk, you will lose a lot of weight. Let's find out what are the benefits of walking for an hour every day.

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Calories burn

Walking helps a lot in burning calories in your body. However, the number of calories your body burns while you walk depends on a number of factors.

Especially your body weight, walking speed play a key role in this. People over the age of 18 can walk at a speed of 4.8 kilometers per hour. But the faster you walk, the more calories your body will be able to burn.

For example, people weighing 82 to 85 kg can burn 270 calories by walking at a speed of 4.8 kilometers per hour every day. Those who weigh 95 to 97 kg can burn 314 calories. However, your age, gender, walking place, and temperature are also related to the number of calories.

Walk for an hour..

Start by walking for at least 300 minutes a week and walking for 420 minutes an hour every day will give you a lot of benefits. This will reduce your body weight to a great extent. Walking does not reduce your muscle strength at all. Also, your health will be completely healthy during the weight loss journey. 

Calorie content in food

If you feel that you are not losing weight even though you go for a walk every day, then you should keep an eye on the food you eat. Because if the food you eat is high in calories, then no matter how hard you try to lose weight, it will be a waste. One kilogram of weight contains 7,700 calories. 

So if you weigh 82 to 85 kg.. if you are exercising every day, you will lose up to 2 kg if you consume only 2200 calories. To lose weight, you should not consume too many calories. According to experts.. Men should consume 2,200 calories per day and women should consume 2,000 calories per day. 

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