How to organise your study table in 7 easy steps

First Published Aug 3, 2023, 11:52 PM IST

Organizing your study table can greatly improve your productivity and make your study sessions more efficient. Here are some steps to help you organize your study table:

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Clear the Clutter: Start by removing everything from your study table. Sort through the items and decide what you need to keep, what can be stored elsewhere, and what can be discarded.

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Prioritize Essentials: Keep only the essential items on your study table, such as your laptop/computer, textbooks, notebooks, pens, and other study materials. Avoid unnecessary items that might distract you.

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Invest in Storage Solutions: Consider getting organizers, drawers, shelves, or bins to store your study materials. This will help you keep everything in its place and reduce clutter.

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Arrange by Frequency of Use: Organize your study materials based on how often you use them. Place the most frequently used items within arm's reach to avoid constant disruptions.

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Use Desk Trays or Holders: Utilize desk trays or holders to keep documents and papers neatly stacked. Categorize them, such as "to-do," "completed," and "important," to manage your paperwork efficiently.

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Label and Categorize: Use labels or color-coded folders for different subjects or projects. This will help you quickly identify and access the materials you need.

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Personalize with Inspiration: Add a personal touch to your study space by putting up inspirational quotes, pictures, or a vision board. This can motivate you during study sessions.

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Keep a Calendar or Planner: Have a calendar or planner on your desk to track deadlines, assignments, and important dates. This will help you stay organized and plan your study schedule effectively.

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