These days, counterfeit products are entering the market for everything. They are even cheating by bringing fake gold. It is becoming impossible to distinguish between real and fake. Meanwhile, silk sarees are also being sold fraudulently. It is difficult to tell a real silk saree from a fake one. But... so you don't get cheated... let's now learn how to identify a real Kanchipuram silk saree....
1. Silk Mark Label….
The easiest way to identify a real Kanchipuram silk saree is to look for the Silk Mark label. This mark guarantees the purity of the silk. This silk mark is a symbol of the quality and authenticity of the saree. So, check for this mark when buying a Kanchipuram silk saree.
2. Check the thread:
Another important factor to consider when identifying a real Kanchipuram silk saree is the zari work. Kanchipuram sarees are known for their unique zari. It is made using real gold or silver threads. If you examine the zari work on the saree closely, you will find that real Kanchipuram silk sarees have high-quality, detailed zari work.
3. Special Design:
Real Kanchipuram silk sarees have a special design that sets them apart from other silk sarees. When you touch a Kanchipuram silk saree, it gives a soft, luxurious feel. The silk used in these sarees is of the highest quality. So, pay attention to the design when determining the authenticity of a Kanchipuram silk saree.
Observe the folds of the saree: Kanchipuram silk sarees can be identified based on the way they are folded. You should pay attention to that as well.
4. Consider the price:
While price alone is not always an indicator of authenticity, it is very important to consider the price when buying a Kanchipuram silk saree. Since real Kanchipuram silk sarees are handwoven and labor intensive, the price will be a bit higher. If they are offering it at a very low price... you should recognize that it is fake.