OrchidsThey represent love: They attract love, soothe the soul, and deepen friendships. The ancient Greeks associated orchids with fertility and virility, which makes them a great gift for new parents!
Lucky bamboo: The lucky bamboo cannot survive under direct sunlight and can grow in soil or water. It is supposed to bring positive energy into your home or office or into the surroundings wherever the Lucky Bamboo is placed. People select Lucky Bamboo plants as gifts to give near and dear ones. Receiving this plant as a gift is supposed to bring good luck. But keep in mind four Bamboo stalks represent death. Gifting a Lucky Bamboo plant with four stalks means that you wish death on the person who is receiving the gift.
Money plant : The number of stories associated with this little creeper is numerous. Some say it should be gifted, some say you should steal a bit of the plant from someone’s else’s house and plant it in yours to bring you money. But enough with that. The money plant apparently brings you luck and prosperity. It can be planted in water as well, so it does not require much maintenance. But you must keep it in the right direction for it to be profitable for you.
Peace Lily : Peace lilies are great for offices to create a sense of calm during a hectic day or in bedrooms to provide a sense of tranquillity and restful sleep. As a gift, peace lilies are a sign of good will.
Jasmine: Known as one of the most powerful aphrodisiacs, jasmine helps keep romance alive. It is believed to attract love, money and prophetic dreams.