Mamata Banerjee's Birthday
Officially, January 5 is Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee's birthday. She was born in 1955. Although this date is officially her birthday, it is not her actual birth date, as stated by Mamata Banerjee herself.
Mamata's Real Birthday
She has detailed her actual birth date in her own book. In her book 'Ekanthe', Mamata shares what she heard from her mother about her birth, candidly revealing her real birthday.
Mamata's Birthday Details
At the beginning of page 48 of 'Ekanthe', she writes about her birthday, revealing the date and time of her birth.
Mamata's Writing
Mamata writes, 'According to my mother, I was born during Sandhipuja on Maha Ashtami of Durga Puja. It had been raining continuously for three days before I was born, and the rain stopped as soon as I opened my eyes.'
Year of Birth
While she revealed the circumstances of her birth, she didn't mention the year. Officially, Mamata turns 70 this year.
Birth Records
During the NRC and CAA protests, Mamata mentioned that many people didn't have birth certificates back then and had to create them later.
Mamata Banerjee
She has received numerous accolades in her political career, including being listed among Time Magazine's 100 Most Influential People in 2012 and 2021. Even though it's not her actual birthday, TMC workers are extending their wishes to her today.