With summer approaching, the extreme heat and harmful UV rays may lead to several eye-related issues like dryness, burning sensation, allergies et al. Hence, taking good care of eyes is a must during this season.
Using sunglasses, splashing cold water, putting a few drops of rose water are some of the quick solutions to eye-related issues. Alongside, these summer eye care tips can do wonders for you.
Remember, sleep is the best remedy for tired eyes. 6-8 hours is a must. This helps reduce any strain you may have experienced during the day. A siesta in the afternoon, if you can manage, is even better.
Avoid the direct blast of the AC on your eyes. The cold blast can result in dry, sensitive eyes.
UV rays can be the cause of many eye problems. Protecting your eyes from exposure is a must. Flaunt your shades. The bigger the better. Be sure they give UV protection.
Drink plenty of water to keep your body and your eyes hydrated. 6-8 glasses or 2 litres is the recommended dose.
Remember to remove all eye make-up before you sleep. Almond or baby oil act as good make-up removers.
Last but not the least, don't forget a diet rich in Vitamin A. Leafy and red vegetables, should be your pick.