Mother's Day 2021: 7 breastfeeding tips for new moms

First Published May 8, 2021, 11:30 AM IST

If you are a new mother and confused about breastfeeding your baby, take a look at this simple tips.

Becoming a mother comes with lots of new challenges and hardships, but it's also one of the most beautiful experiences of one's life. If you are a new mom and worried about breastfeeding, take a look at a few tips that may come in handy.
Know your baby's desiresInstead of waiting for your baby to cry, you can anticipate if the baby is hungry by observing if they: Turn or raise their head repeatedly, open or close their mouth, stick out their tongue, suck on whatever is near to them or their thumb.
Choose a comfortable positionLie on your side with your baby facing you.Sit in a reclined position with your baby lying in your arms. Get yourself and the baby comfortable to feed them properly.
Baby's positionPosition your baby in such a way that their mouth level is with your nipple. They should not have to turn their head much at all. Make your baby's head tilted backwards slightly. Ensure that they are latched onto the entire areola and not just the nipple. Make sure the position does not block your baby's nose.
Leaking is naturalIn the earlier few weeks of your breastfeeding, it is natural for milk to leak from your breasts. Don't be alarmed it is completely natural. It can happen when you hear the baby cry, or if it hasn't been nursed for several hours or when you think about your baby etc. The leaking will eventually lessen.
Hygiene is mustDo not overwash. One or two showers is entirely okay. After feeding, pat your breast dry with a soft cloth. You can use a comforting balm too.
Stay hydratedReplenish your body with a good diet and lots of fluids as you are eating for two. The Thumb rule is to drink a glass of water whenever you breastfeed. This will ensure that your body makes enough milk if you are hydrating.
Ask for helpAsk your concerned doctors all the questions that you have in mind. Get expert help and seek guidance if you have even a tiny doubt. Do notsimply believe what you hear. Get your facts right and ask for help.
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