Do you lick fingers to count cash? Reasons why you need to break this habit

First Published | Sep 12, 2024, 8:09 PM IST

Discover the shocking reasons why licking cash or fingers while counting is a bad habit. Explore the health risks and hygiene concerns associated with this practice.

Why licking fingerscash is bad?

Money is a basic necessity of life for human beings and one will struggle without it. Earning money is the only way to live peacefully. 

Everyone will handle the money in different ways. Some people lick their fingers before counting as they find it makes it easier to count. If you have noticed people counting money in bulk at banks, they will surely saliva on their hands.  

Why licking moneyfingers while counting is bad?

Not only that, some people lick their fingers when turning the pages of books.  Some bus conductors have the habit of licking finger ticket while giving tickets.  In many places, saliva is used to make it easier to separate polythene papers. But this practice was banned during the Corona period. 

Although people have stopped licking money for a while, it has been seen that some people are doing it recently.  Here's why one shouldn't handle money with saliva. 

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Hindu scriptures also give a reason why one should not count money by licking it. That is, it is wrong according to Vastu to use saliva while counting money. Doing so is like insulting Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth. It is said that money does not stay in the hands of those who do this. It is said that their whole life will be in financial crisis. 

There is a scientific reason why one should not count money by licking it. The money currently in circulation has passed through the hands of millions of people and is likely to carry germs. Therefore, wetting the fingers with saliva while counting them is not good for health. 


Some germs found on the surface of rupee notes do not cause much harm to health even if they stick to the fingers.  But some people count the money and put their hands in their mouths repeatedly. Some of them may experience problems like bloating due to the presence of some type of bacteria.

Some people may also develop skin diseases. Therefore, one should avoid licking the fingers while counting money. Especially after counting money, hands should be washed thoroughly with soap to avoid a risk of infection. 


Money is not just paper. It is a medium that can spread invisible bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms. Putting your finger in your mouth while touching it can make you sick. 


Rupee notes are prone to dirt, dust and other impurities. If you put your finger in your mouth while counting it, there is a risk that the dirt will enter us. 

Some rupee notes may contain traces of printing ink or chemicals coated for security. If we unknowingly consume it, it will harm the body. 


Counting money with saliva in the mouth can damage it. If it is a slightly old note, there is a risk of it being torn. 


Touching money by licking it while counting is not a professional act. This can degrade you in front of customers or fellow professionals as it is an unsanitary act.  

Instead of saliva, use this to count money.. 

Instead of counting money with bare hands, you can wear gloves. People who have a lot of cash flow in a day can wear gloves. Money counting machines can be used in business places. Wet tissue papers can be used. It is important to maintain hygiene while counting money. It is especially important for professional organizations to maintain good hygiene and handle money properly.

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