If you happen to be one of those who are struggling to shed some extra pounds, then this article is just for you. Losing weight is not an easy task - it calls for a balanced diet and proper workout regime.
No matter what the fad diets may claim, there is just no way you can rule out these two very crucial factors. However, to up the pace of the weight loss process, there are a few diet hacks that you can practice during bedtime.
These hacks are simple yet can help you lose weight fast by increasing the body's metabolism and boosting your digestion process. An improved digestive system is the first step in the weight loss journey. By increasing digestive efficiency with a few dietary changes, one can effectively lose weight and boost the body's metabolism. If you feel bloated most of the time, then consumption of these drinks will help you stay at ease.
Cinnamon Tea: Cinnamon is loaded with various health benefiting properties. Consuming it in the form of tea during bedtime can give your metabolism a good boost. Cinnamon is loaded with various antioxidant and antibiotic properties. This concoction works as a detox drink and consumption of this wonder potion can provide a lot of benefits. You can combine it with honey to make it more palatable.
Chamomile tea: Chamomile not only stimulates weight loss, but also reduces bloating to a great extent. Loaded with calcium, potassium and flavonoids, chamomile's ability to detox the body helps in getting rid of toxins and excess water. A cup of hot chamomile tea before bedtime could help you get a restful sleep as well.
Cucumber-Parsley juice: This green juice made with cucumber and parsley can fasten your weight loss journey and can show quick results, if consumed regularly. Cucumber has high water and fibre content and almost no calories. Parsley is known for its mild diuretic properties and high minerals and vitamins content. Both are nutrient-packed foods that are also known to aid weight loss in an efficient way.
Aloe Vera Juice: Drinking aloe vera juice at bedtime may help you shed extra fat naturally. Aloe vera juice helps balance intestinal flora. It can be useful in cases of irritable bowel syndrome, and is a laxative that is reputed to help expel parasites from the digestive tract.
Turmeric Milk: If you thought ‘haldi wala doodh' was only for treating cold, cough and healing injuries; you may be wrong. Turmeric may also help in boosting metabolism and soothing digestion that may result in shedding of extra weight. Its antioxidant properties may flush out harmful toxins from our body and keep our digestion running smoothly while we take a good nap. Milk, on the other hand, fuels the body with calcium and proteins that help us sleep peacefully. This may prevent us from overeating the next day.
Soaked Fenugreek Water: Fenugreek seeds facilitate weight loss to a great extent. Regular consumption of methi dana generates heat in the body and helps in managing and losing weight. It also acts as a great antacid and helps strengthen the digestive system. It should be consumed at least half an hour or one hour before bedtime.