When you are trying to lose weight, you need to maintain a fine balance between creating an energy deficit and at the same time remaining energetic to go through the day.
It is important to keep in mind that the weight you are trying to lose was not put on overnight, and hence it may not be shed overnight either.
The rate at which an individual loses weight is dependent on many factors such as past efforts at weight loss, history of following fad diets, age, hormonal imbalance, presence or absence of metabolic conditions, kind and amount of foods consumed and so on.
The 3 most important food groups to include when we are looking to shed some inches are protein, fibre and good fats. Here are top 5 foods that can help you shed inches.
Eggs: They have the best quality of proteins that can be absorbed by the body. Apart from their protein content, eggs are power houses of vitamins found in the yolk. So if you are throwing away the yolk, you are not getting its complete benefit. Eggs also help to boost metabolism. Eggs can be consumed daily as a breakfast option. Research has shown that eating eggs for breakfast can help fight weight-gain all day long.
Water: Water is most crucial to enable a smooth weight loss journey. A dehydrated muscle cannot burn fat. Consumption of adequate water prevents you from over-eating and slumps appetite. Water is most important for all bodily processes. Lack of water in your system can slump metabolism, thereby slowing down the fat loss process. Water is also most important for the process of detox.
Nuts: Nuts are a powerhouse of energy, protein and good quality fats. Nuts contain mostly unsaturated fat. This type of fat is associated with protection against many different diseases, including heart disease. However, with nuts it is important to exert caution in terms of portion size as they are concentrated sources of energy. Going overboard can make you put on weight.
VegetablesSalads and Fruits: The main reason we put on weight is because we eat more than we burn. Vegetables, however, are magical, they make you feel full, so they are very high on the satiety marker and at the same time don't make you pile on the inches. The fibre and the water in vegetables and fruits will not make you put on the inches if you ate just as much.
Legumes: Legumes and beans are good sources of fiber and protein. These help to keep up metabolism. They are known to increase satiety and curb the cravings of processed foods. Pulses help to amp up the fat burning process, allowing for more effective fat loss.