These ruby red jewels encased in thick leather seem to hold the key to anti-ageing according to a study by researchers in Switzerland.
This natural fruit is likely to put anti-aging creams to shame because pomegranates, it seems, can make you look younger, by preventing wrinkles and other signs of aging.
Researchers have discovered a particular molecule called Urolithin A that is said to help in rejuvenating skin cells, which slows down ageing, provided you have the right bacteria conditions.
So far, researchers have tested this on rats and earthworms successfully.
Early clinical trials, for humans, are underway, according to a report. "The scientists have already set up a company, Amazentis, to exploit the discovery, and early clinical trials testing finely calibrated doses of the molecule in human patients are under way in a number of European hospitals."
Now, this powerful fruit can add another anti-ageing feather to its cap. Pomegranates also have other added health benefits such as: fighting cancer, keeping the heart healthy, reduces anemia among others.