Bloating is a common digestive issue caused mostly by diet, although it could be symptomatic of a deeper underlying issue. If it occurs very frequently, it requires a visit to the doctor.
Here are 5 foods that will not only help reduce bloating, it will also keep your stomach trim.
Peppermint:Known for its anti-bloating properties, peppermint has a calming and relaxing effect on an irritated stomach. It eases the digestive tract muscles. It is very useful for those suffering from IBS and cramps. A cup of peppermint tea does wonders.
Egg whites:Eating egg whites are helpful in reducing bloating. This is because the high protein content found in them acts as a diuretic.
Curd:Like eggs, curd or yoghurt is packed with proteins, eases digestion and improves one’s waistline. This does not include flavoured curd. If you’d like a bit of sweet, substitute it with a drizzle of honey.
Bananas: Potassium-rich bananas help fight bloating caused by salty-rich food. The potassium helps drive out the water retention caused by salty foods. Ensure that you eat only ripe bananas to get rid of bloating and uneasiness.
Cucumber: Filled with high water content, cucumbers are an excellent ingredient to combat bloating.