Benefits of coriander or cilantro for a healthy you

First Published | Feb 11, 2021, 3:24 PM IST

Call it a wonder herb, coriander is a package of eleven essential oils, six types of acid and lots of minerals and vitamins with many beneficial properties.

Coriander, commonly known as hara dhaniya in local terms and Coriandrum sativum in scientific terms, is an aromatic herb native to Southern Europe and Western Asia. It is also popular as cilantro or Chinese parsley.
It is the most versatile ingredient and every part of it is edible. The coriander leaves are used for garnishing and other culinary purposes. Coriander is a natural aphrodisiac, a great source of dietary fiber, magnesium and iron.
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Call it a wonder herb, coriander is a package of eleven essential oils, six types of acid and lots of minerals and vitamins with many beneficial properties.
Controls Blood Pressure: Experts often recommend coriander salad to patients suffering from hypertension. It consists of calcium ions which interact with cholinergic (a neurotransmitter in the central nervous system) to reduce chances of cardiovascular conditions such as heart attacks and strokes.
Good for the Stomach: Leaves of coriander provide relief from digestive problems and nausea. They guide the digestive system to produce more digestive enzymes and juices in order to prevent a queasy stomach. They are a good source of fibre too.
Improve Eyesight: One of the many health benefits of coriander is sharp eyesight. The components in coriander (Phosphorus, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Antioxidants) help in the prevention of vision disorders and also reducing stress on the eye. One of its magical qualities is that it helps in reversing vision degenerative effects in aging patients due to the presence of b-carotene. It also helps in prevention of infections like conjunctivitis and is used in the making of many eye- related medicines.
Mouth Health: Did you know that before toothpaste came into being, people used to chew on coriander seeds to get rid of bad breath? Coriander is one ingredient which is used in antiseptic toothpastes and essential oils since it contains a component called Citronellol, which works as an excellent antiseptic. Other benefits offered by other components include healing effects, which prevent ulcers and wounds in the mouth from getting worse.
Boosts Healthy Bones: Coriander is recommended for people who suffer from diseases like osteoporosis. People who want to focus on their bone health should include coriander in their daily diets since it contains calcium along with other minerals (specifically present in the center part of the leaves), which help with bone regrowth, durability and prevention of bone degradation.
Reduces Menstrual Cramps: Cilantro seeds are a source of ascorbic acid, palmitic acid, linoleic acid and stearic acid. Consuming such acids support the proper secretion of hormones. Thus, it will lead to a proper menstrual cycle and less pain. It works as a natural stimulant. Soak coriander seeds overnight in water and consume next morning for maximum benefits.
Good Source of Antioxidants: Coriander has antioxidant properties. The presence of quercetin (antioxidant), vitamin C and iron strengthen the body's immune system. According to a study of Molecular Neurobiology, diets high in coriander helped target inflammatory pathways and prevent neurodegenerative diseases. Thus, it may help to prevent Alzheimer, cancer, small pox and diabetes.
Anti-Allergic Herb: This herb is anti-allergic too. Coriander contains an anti-bacterial compound in it called Dodecenal that kills the Salmonella bacteria. Dodecenal helps to improve oral health too. Thus, it can provide a relief for infections caused by fungus or bacteria.
Regulates Cholesterol: In today’s time, every other person is suffering from bad cholesterol. This herb can actually help you to increase the level of good cholesterol (HDL) and reduce bad cholesterol (LDL).

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