Almonds: Here’s how this crunchy nut really helps improve memory

First Published | Apr 29, 2022, 5:05 PM IST

Almonds have long been known to improve memory skills. Almonds have several nutrients that help keep brain power in check.

Almonds have long been known to improve not just memory skills but also overall brain function. Commonly thought of as nuts, almonds are fruits of the almond tree that have several nutrients that may help keep your brain power in check.

Researchers explored a connection between almonds and cognitive function. In addition to vitamin E, folate and fibre, these nuts boast phytochemicals that act as antioxidants in the brain to combat inflammation, and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids that delay age-related brain decline.

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Almonds elevate the levels of ACh acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter in the brain that helps enhance memory and help fight conditions like Alzheimer’s disease. You don’t need a lot of almonds to help improve memory; about eight to 10 almonds soaked in water overnight and consumed in the day works effectively. We soak almonds for the nutrients to be easily absorbed by the body. Apart from ACh acetylcholine, almonds have other nutrients that help improve memory function and overall brain health.

Vitamin B6: Almonds have vitamin B6, which is also known as pyridoxine that helps aid metabolism of proteins, which may further help increase the availability of proteins for brain cell repair. Moreover, this vitamin promotes the production of neurotransmitter chemicals that further improve communication between brain cells.

Zinc: Zinc is a mineral that is known to boost the immune system, which may prevent bacterial and viral infections that can damage the brain cells.

Protein: Protein helps repair brain cells, thereby improving cognitive functions including memory. Almonds are moderately rich in lean protein.

Vitamin E: Vitamin E is responsible for slowing down aging of cells such as those in the brain that might impact memory. While large doses of vitamin E have shown to have serious repercussions, a small amount may only benefit; taking about eight almonds every day will not mean you are overdosing on vitamin E content.

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