As the New Year 2025 begins, Bollywood celebs have celebrated in style. Shah Rukh Khan's eldest son, Aryan Khan, was spotted coming in the city with his reported girlfriend, Larissa Bonesi, to attend a brand party.
Aryan Khan and Larissa Bonesi
The two came with their companions and avoided posing for the media as they entered the event. For the gathering, Aryan dressed casually yet stylishly. He placed a navy blue blazer over black trousers and a traditional white T-shirt. Larissa Bonesi, on the other hand, looked stunning in a shimmering pink dress.(VIDEO)
The couple was seen entering the party site before going inside to join the festivities. Bonesi came with a group of pals and declined to pose for the photographers, while Khan was led by his security staff. Other celebrities that appeared at the event were MC Stan, Ada Malik, and Rohini Iyer.
Meanwhile, on the job front, SRK has officially revealed his son Aryan's directorial debut series, which will premiere on Netflix. Gauri Khan produced the unnamed Bollywood series. It is situated within the context of the film business.
Who Is Larissa Bonesi?
Larissa was born in Brazil on March 28, 1990, and is not new to the Indian entertainment industry. She has starred in music videos including Guru Randhawa's 'Surma Surma' and films like 'Penthouse'. Some Reddit users added to the suspicions by pointing up a possible age difference between Aryan and Larissa, with her being seven years older. However, neither Aryan Khan nor Larissa Bonesi have responded to the rumours on social media.