A few years ago, Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai's video clip went viral from an event, which suggested that all is not well between the two. Soon, many reports claimed that a divorce was on the cards.
After reading them, Abhishek was furious, and when a leading daily asked about the impact of such stories, the actor had said, "I know what the truth is, and I know how far to take the media seriously. I am not going to allow a third party to dictate to Aishwarya and me, how we should lead our lives. She knows how much I love her, and I know how much she loves me.''
Abhishek also spoke about misinterpretations by media to capture eyeballs and cleared the air by saying, ''If you are going to misinterpret something for your own convenience, then go ahead. I am a public figure after all. And I cannot make the media happy all the time. My marriage and my life are not going to be dictated by what the media says. So, it's really not an issue for me."
The actor once spoke about his successful married life with Aishwarya to Filmfare, saying communication is essential in a marriage and there should be respect and understanding in a relationship, ''There's a lot of adjustment, a lot of give and take. There will be agreements and disagreements. But it's important to keep the communication going. That's something I've always believed in."