In 2018, an unfortunate incident took a toll on the Code M actor Tanuj and Shaamitabh actress Akshara Haasan's relationship.
Somehow their private pics got leaked out, and Tanuj was upset as Akshara didn't comment anything on the fact that he hadn't leaked them, neither she said yes nor no.
Tanuj once shared in an interview with ETimes, "We don't talk to each other anymore. A lot of things started coming out in papers, things got awkward between us, and we stopped talking."
He further said that he felt bad for Akshara as no girl should go through this phase, and he had asked her, "Akshu, do you think I've done this?' She had said, 'No, I don't think you have done it'. I had told her, 'That's all I wanted to hear".
Tanuj's mother, Rati Agnihotri, also called Kamal Haasan to sort things out between families. Akshara took her Instagram account to talk about the incident, and she said she took legal actions against misdeed.