After the unfortunate death of Bollywood actress, Sridevi's uncle Venugopal Reddy broke his silence over the actress’ life. He spoke about some unknown facts around Sridevi’s relationship with husband Boney Kapoor, her cosmetic surgeries, wealth and property.
In an interview, Venugopal Reddy said the actress died with a sense of sadness in her heart. “What we knew was Boney lost a lot of money in a few movies and they sold Sridevi’s properties to make up for the losses and cleared his debts. Sridevi always had that pain in her heart and was not at all at peace. She wore a plastic smile on her face for the world, but she went through a lot inside her.”
“Boney produced a film which never saw the light of day, and therefore, Sridevi got back to acting in films," he added.
Reddy also talked about Sridevi's cosmetic surgeries. “Yes, she did get a couple of surgeries done on her nose. She travelled to the US and got the surgeries done because she wanted to look good. Our family got to know about the surgeries when we casually asked about her well-being while speaking to her mother over the phone."
He also shed some light on Boney’s relationship with Sridevi’s mom, which was not in the best of terms. “Sridevi’s mother did not like her getting married to Boney. Her mother didn’t treat him properly on a couple of occasions when he had come home. But Boney and Sridevi wanted to get married. Sridevi’s mother did discuss that with all of us. But finally, they did get married,” Reddy said.