PAN-India star Prabhas recently announced three major projects and stunned his fans worldwide. Prabhas has worked his charm and made an exemplary impact all across the globe with his performance in Baahubali. The co-producer of Baahubali, Prasad Devini shares some insights about Prabhas and much more.
Prasad Devnini who co-produced Baahubali believes an actor's personality and character are very significant for his or her rise to stardom. In the same breath, Prasad also points out that a dubbed film becoming the highest grosser in India speaks of Prabhas' star power.
In an interview with a leading daily the co-producer shared, "I agree one cannot compare the stars or situations of the '80's and '90's' to Prabhas, but he's the only actor doing bilinguals today. I also think only he could make it possible in Bollywood because of the kind of market he has created for himself in Hindi too."
Talking about how Baahubali's success was instrumental in nurturing Prabhas into a Pan-India star, Prasad also added, "So he's no longer looked as a south hero but a true Indian Star. Baahubali broke all the barriers of regional cinema and had Bollywood embracing Prabhas, even other actors in the film found a foothold in other regional films."
Prabhas, with his sheer passion and hardwork from someone being shy to face the camera to becoming a hearthrob everytime he comes infront of the lens has achieved impressive milestones and a lot more are yet to come.
The actor is now gearing up for his upcoming projects where the audience are all set to see him portray some more never seen before characters in Radheshyam, AdiPurush and recently announced film alongside Deepika Padukone.