Music maestro AR Rahman and his wife, Saira Banu, announced their separation after 29 years of marriage, leaving fans surprised. The news coincided with bassist Mohini Dey revealing her separation from her husband, Mark Hurtzuch, leading netizens to speculate a connection between the two events
Mohini Dey
Mohini Dey responded to the rumors through an Instagram story, urging people to respect her privacy. She explained that she had turned down multiple interview requests, stating that she didn’t want to waste her energy on baseless speculations. She emphasized the importance of focusing on her well-being rather than addressing unsubstantiated claims
Mohini Dey
AR Rahman’s son, Ameen, dismissed the rumors as false in an Instagram post. He highlighted his father’s legacy, praising his values and the respect he had garnered. Ameen urged people to refrain from spreading misinformation and emphasized the need to uphold Rahman’s dignity and contributions to music and society
Mohini Dey
AR Rahman’s son, Ameen, dismissed the rumors as false in an Instagram post. He highlighted his father’s legacy, praising his values and the respect he had garnered. Ameen urged people to refrain from spreading misinformation and emphasized the need to uphold Rahman’s dignity and contributions to music and society