Malaika Arora was seen practicing yoga and pilates at home during the coronavirus lockdown. Today (August 14) she shared an image of her doing yoga with Casper, her pet dog which later got viral.
Malaika had self-quarantined herself at home with her son Arhaan and another four-legged son Casper. She is also seen sharing some videos on health and wellness.
Malaika today shared a funny post with Casper on a yoga mat while both were practicing yoga at home.
She captioned the post as "Casper saying- hey! U said yoga is relaxing, so that's what am doing...why u twisted that way!? Let me teach u.#casper#CanineGyaan (sic)."
A few days ago, she posed in Anjaneyasana, a lunging back bending asana, often included in Surya Namaskar and also wrote about the benefits of the asana.
Besides her fitness and health, Malaika's relationship with Arjun Kapoor is also talk of the town and has grabbed everyone's attention since the time they have come out in public.