Last year Bollywood actor Katrina Kaif was spotted receiving the delivery of luxury Range Rover Vogue SE, which retails somewhere around Rs 2.33 crore.
Now, we have some more info about the car and also about the person who gifted it to the actor. According to an India Today report, the Range Rover was gifted to Katrina by close friend Salman Khan.
The report suggests that Salman brought four Range Rovers – one for himself, one for his mother Salma, one for Arbaaz and one for Katrina Kaif.
Speculations are rife that Salman apparently bought it as a gift for Katrina Kaif who came to his rescue when Priyanka Chopra backed out of Bharat at the last minute.
The Range Rover Vogue SE has 20-way heated and cooled front seats as well as keyless entry. The luxury SUV is also owned by Alia Bhatt, Shah Rukh Khan, Jacqueline Fernandez, Kareena Kapoor Khan and Anushka Sharma.