Deepika Padukone has been summoned by Narcotics Control Bureau in the drug angle case related to the death of actor Sushant Singh Rajput. Deepika received the summon after her Whatsapp chats with her manager leaked, where a person denoted as 'D' was asking for 'maal', 'hash'.
Deepika was shooting for her movie in Goa and landed in Mumbai on September 25. Her husband and actor Ranveer Singh has requested NCB to allow him to be a part of the interrogation process.
Ranveer Singh had formally requested NCB to allow him to be a part of thequestioning on Saturday.
According to the reports Ranveer Singh has written that Deepika Padukone sometimes suffers from anxiety and gets panic attacks, hence he should be allowed to accompany her for the questioning.
According to the sources, "The actor had stated that he is a 'law abiding' citizen and knows that he cannot be present at the time of interrogation but is understood to have requested that he be allowed inside the NCB office."
According to the sources no decision has been taken by NCB yet on the application. Deepika will be appearing before NCB on September 26, along with Sara Ali Khan and Shraddha Kapoor.Rakul Preet Singh and Deepika's manager Karishma were summoned on Friday.