Last Night, Alia Bhatt shared some amazing pictures on her Instragram page posing with beau Ranbir Kapoor. Alia looked gorgeous in a blue lehenga by designer Sabyasachi. The first post she posted, Alia captioned it, "Some light... Happy Diwali." With Alia's long wavy locks, she completed her look with statement earrings.
Later the couple were seen at their best buddy Ayan Mukherj's family Kali Puja (North Bombay Sarbojanin Durga Puja Samity). Many pictures of the trio were clicked by the shutterbugs where we can see Brahmastra director Ayan also looked elegant in a black suit.
Meanwhile, news and speculations about Alia and Ranbir's marriage have been going around, but neither party has revealed anything.
However, a source close to the couple has informed that Alia and Ranbir have big plans for their 'D' day but don't want to rush into it so that a final date could take more time.
On the film front, Ranbir Kapoor has a few big projects like Luv Ranjan's next, Brahmastra and Shamshera. On the other hand, Alia Bhatt also has some big-budget films like RRR, Gangubai Kathiawadi, Brahmastra Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani, and Darlings.