Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone, are a real-life couple who were once a reel-life pair in Bollywood. They started dating in 2008 when they acted in the movie Bachna Ae Haseeno'. At that time, Deepika got Ranbir Kapoor's name tattooed on her neck. Deepika and Ranveer, who were so close, suddenly broke up. Deepika suffered from depression due to the separation from Ranveer. Deepika herself has said this in interviews.
Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone
Later, Deepika met Ranveer Singh again during the shooting of 'Ram-Leela'. This meeting turned into friendship and eventually blossomed into love. After this, both of them started their love life again and after a few years of passionate love, they got married in 2018. Their wedding took place grandly in Lake Como, Italy. Deepika and Ranveer have a daughter. Her name is Dua.
Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone are one of Bollywood's star couples. Deepika took a break from cinema last year as she gave birth to a child. At the same time, Ranveer Singh is busy acting. Meanwhile, Ranveer Singh recently participated in Karan Johar's 'Coffee with Karan 7' show and shared his bedroom secrets. In particular, talking about his first night secret has gone viral on the internet.
In that show, Karan asked Ranveer to play Bingo. When Karan asked if he was tired after the wedding rituals, Ranveer shook his head no. He admitted that he and Deepika were intimate on their first night. He also admitted to doing this in his vanity van. He said that he had many playlists of songs that would change the mood and arouse emotions. This candid talk of Ranveer Singh shocked many including Karan Johar.