Bollywood actor Vijay Varma recently announced his upcoming film Darlings by Red Chillies opposite Shah Rukh Khan, Alia Bhatt. After his dramatic performance in Gully Boy, he left a make on many people, but one person was left so impressed that they wanted him to be a part of Darlings and recommended his name.
A source close to Vijay informed, "Alia and Vijay had worked together for Gully Boy the first time and she was so impressed by his performance that she actually recommended him for Darlings since she was co-producing the film. And everyone in the team immediately hopped on board for Vijay".
Last week, the film Red Chillies recently announced Darlings as a dark comedy coming soon. Fans are super excited to see Alia Bhatt and Vijay Varma be matched opposite each other for the first time on screen.
Last year, Vijay had multiple releases like She, Mirzapur 2, A Suitable Boy, Ghost Stories, Baaghi 3 etc.
This year seems quite significant for Vijay, who is currently shooting for Reema Kagti's Fallen with Sonakshi Sinha in Rajasthan and in Ok Computer with Radhika Apte and Hurdang with Nushrratt Bharuccha and Sunny Kaushal besides Fallen and Darlings.