Despite residing in Chennai, Telugu audiences embrace Vishal as one of their own. With family ties in Andhra Pradesh, his films have been well-received in both AP and Telangana since Pandem Kodi. However, his recent momentum has waned, though he continues to entertain with content-driven films.
Following the success of Pandem Kodi, Vishal's films were dubbed into Telugu. He enjoyed initial success, followed by setbacks, leading him to shift from routine films to content-driven, diverse projects.
Films like Action, Abhimanyudu, and Enemy were successful, as was the recent Mark Antony. The 47-year-old actor remains unmarried. His film Madha Gaja Raja, long-delayed, is slated for a Sankranti release. Vishal attended the film's event in Chennai.
Vishal's appearance shocked attendees. He appeared unrecognizable, significantly thinner and trembling on stage. His changed appearance worried fans, who questioned his health. Reports suggest he's suffering from a high fever, which may explain his weight loss.
He appeared to have difficulty walking, raising doubts about whether fever alone accounts for his condition. Fans hope for his swift recovery and return to his usual active self. Madha Gaja Raja is directed by Sundar C.