Former Indian seamer Irfan Pathan has become the latest Indian cricketer to test COVID positive. He is the fourth player from the just-concluded Road Safety World Series to be diagnosed with the same after Sachin Tendulkar, Yusuf Pathan and Subramaniam Badrinath.
Tendulkar was the first to announce the same on Saturday, followed by Yusuf and Badrinath. Meanwhile, Irfan has stated that he is asymptomatic and is self-isolating at home.
"I have tested positive for COVID-19 with no symptoms and have isolated myself and quarantined at home. I would request those who came in contact with me in recent past to please get themselves tested. Urging all to wear masks and maintain social distancing. Wishing you all good health," Irfan wrote on Twitter.
The RSWS tournament took place in Raipur between March 7-21, while India Legends turned out to be the victorious side. Irfan announced his retirement in January 2020, having gone unsold in three successive Indian Premier League auctions, with his last IPLappearance in 2017 for Gujarat Lions.
Irfan made a resounding debut with Team India, famous for his deadly swing that rattled almost all batting line-ups globally. He also helped India win the ICC World T20 2007 but never had IPL success.