Explained: What does the first vaccine dose do?

First Published | May 15, 2021, 4:53 PM IST

There are many among us who have been questioning the efficacy of the vaccines against Covid-19. Mostly, this hesitancy arises due to misinformation about the vaccination and its benefits. Let's put out some information that could help end this hesitancy.

How is the Covid-19 vaccine being administered in India?Covid vaccines currently being administered in the country are two dose-specific- the first dose acts as a prime dose and the second dose works as a booster. It is of utmost importance that every eligible person for a vaccine shot must take both doses of the vaccine.
What does the first dose do?The first dose of vaccine does not produce protective immunity and only prepares the immune system to fight against the infection. According to All India Institute of Medical Science Director, Dr Randeep Guleria, the first dose of a vaccine is known as a prime dose. It primes our immune system to build antibodies. However, these antibodies do not last for a longer time in the body and gradually veins out. This makes the second dose more important.
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Why is the second dose of vaccine important?The second dose of the vaccine is known as a booster dose. It helps in boosting the immunity of the body to produce a large number of antibodies. According to Dr Guleria, the second dose triggers the immune system and gives 'good cell immunity' to the body. Good cell immunity is an important defence mechanism of the body against infection.The second dose also stimulates the memory cells so that the body remembers the infection in the long run and helps to produce antibodies quickly in case of reinfection.
What are the benefits of taking the second dose?When a person takes both the doses of the vaccine, only then are they 'fully vaccinated'. Being fully vaccinated ensures that the chances of getting the infection or reinfection in the future are minimised.After having both the doses, the chances of getting your disease severe decreases and the body fights the infection in a much better manner.NOTE: Asianet News humbly requests everyone to wear masks, sanitize, maintain social distancing and get vaccinated as soon as eligible. Together we can and will break the chain #ANCares #IndiaFightsCorona

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