Tovino Thomas, the Malayalam film young actor recently took a Kochi Metro ride from Edappally station to Aluva and back. The actor was seen in a casual checked shirt and jeans - with no celebrity signs. He certainly seemed to enjoy his ride, clicking selfies with his fans one by one.
Simply to enjoy a bit of a journey, Tovino hopped into the last compartment of the Metro, as it arrived at the Edappally station post 12 pm a few days ago.
With #tovinothomas 😍😍#met_unexpectedly 😘 #kochinmetro
A post shared by Nisam Naseer (@nisam_mn) on Jun 22, 2017 at 5:24am PDT
In an interview with the Times Of India, the Godha actor, said, "I have seen the Metro transforming into the dream of every Malayali. I never saw anyone cribbing about the traffic jams during the metro constructions as they knew it is going to change the face of the city. And all the struggles are coming to fruit now."
The Tick Tock star said that he had travelled in many international metros in China, Dubai, the US, and also in the captial Delhi. However, he says, "feels grateful to enjoy a similar ride in my own state". He also added, "We, Keralites should be thankful to the authorities and also the labourers who worked day and night to make it a reality."
Talking about the experience travelling in Kochi metro, he said, "Metro in Kerala was a fantasy for me so far. And here I am, just loving my first ride, walking among the public and getting to see all the surprised faces, and clicking selfies with my fans!"
Currently, Tovino is busy with Aashiq Abu's upcoming movie Mayanadhi. He had just finished shooting for his yet-to-be-titled Tamil debut movie, which is directed by BR Vijayalakshmi, and also Tharangam, helmed by Dominic Arun.