Rumours of popular actress Nayanthara dating 'Naanum Rowdy Dhaan' director Vignesh Shivan have been doing rounds for quite some time now. The two lovebirds are often spotted together at award functions, and they also share pictures on their social media handles.
Though the rumoured couple hasn't confirmed their relationship yet, the latest picture of the duo that surfaced online has only added the fuel. The picture has gone viral and is trending as #hbdvigneshshivn on Twitter (especially in #Chennai).
In the picture, Nayanthara and director Vignesh are seen having a gala time and clicking selfie on the Brooklyn Bridge, New York. Reportedly, the rumoured couple flew to New York to celebrate the birthday of Vignesh on September 18.
Earlier the director had revealed about the special bond he shares with Nayan. He said, “My relationship with her is too personal to talk about. I am not comfortable sharing it.”
Vignesh’s last release Naanum Rowdy Dhaan, that starred Vijay Sethupathi and Nayanthara, was a blockbuster