Malayalam actress Priya Prakash Varrier’s wink in the movie Oru Adaar Love’s song Manikya Malaraya Poovi became the latest internet sensation and made her a huge star overnight.
Now the movie teaser, which was released yesterday has garnered 2.7 million views in just 13 hours. However, in this video the actor, Roshan Abdul Rahoof’s reaction will certainly impress you and their flirtatious behaviour will remind you the high school romance.
Here is the teaser of Priya Prakash Varrier's Oru Adaar Love.
In the video, Priya shoots a kiss by a handgun and Abdul swoons over her with delight. The cute chemistry between the two is highlighting that the movie is a teenage romantic film.
Priya, who became the nation's crush, is a first-year student studying commerce at Vimala College in Thrissur, Kerala. In a recent interview, Priya also said that her dream to share the screen with Dulquer Salman.
The movie Oru Adaar Love is directed by Omar Lulu, starring a bunch of newcomers. The movie has Shaan Rahman's music, Sinu Sidharth's cinematography and Achu Vijayan's editing.
Ousepachan Vaalakuzhy has produced the movie under the banner of Ousepachan Movie House. The movie is expected to release during Eid this year.