Remember, Aamir Khan's Phunsukh Wangdu character, who used to do many science experiments in the 2009 blockbuster 3 Idiots- now Sonam Wangchuk, the inspiration behind the role, has bagged the prestigious Rolex Awards for Enterprise 2016. The awards were presented on Tuesday in Los Angeles.
Sonam Wangchuk, a 50-year-old Ladakhi engineer, has been attempting to solve the problem of lack of water for agriculture in the desert landscapes of the Western Himalayas by building “Ice Stupas”.
(Pic: Twitter)
In a statement given to the media, Wangchuk said, "The Rolex Award funds will support the project and promote ice stupas as a climate-change adaptation and desert-greening technique.”
Sonam’s Ice Stupas project is among the five winners this year at the awards.