Brindavan serial's cast added joy to Bigg Boss Kannada, with contestants dancing to "Let's Love." Eshani and Sangeetha bonded over music, and Karthik cleverly navigated a conversation about his girlfriend. The house buzzed with lively chatter and music, and the evening ended on a high note
Sangeetha and Karthik, Vinay and Tanisha, Eshani and Michael, Pratap and Bhagyashree, Rakshak and Siri, Santhosh Varthur and Prakash formed couples for a special event inside the Bigg Boss house. The cast of the popular Brindavan serial on Colors Kannada made a memorable appearance, injecting the house with a burst of joy and energy. The contestants and the Brindavan team put on a delightful performance, creating a cheerful atmosphere in the house. Amidst the various heartwarming moments, one highlight was Eshani and Sangeetha's impromptu music class.
Interestingly, despite her name suggesting a musical inclination, Sangeetha had never displayed an overt interest in music. In contrast, Eshani was renowned for her rapping skills. Their collaboration resulted in a musical evening that filled the Bigg Boss Kannada house with melodious tunes.
On that particular rainy evening, the house was alive with lively conversations and interactions. It was evident that Namratha Gowda had an affinity for traveling in such weather, and this was a topic of discussion among the contestants. In the midst of these discussions, Karthik's girlfriend became a subject of curiosity. Namrata inquired, "Who's your special friend now?" Karthik responded wittily, "Everyone are special friends."
Meanwhile, Sangeetha found solace on the balcony, nestled beneath a tree, somewhat removed from the group's hustle and bustle. Eshani eventually joined her, appreciating the serene ambience. She remarked, "This place has a unique energy." Sangeetha and Eshani engaged in a wide-ranging discussion, from the melodious chirping of birds to the calming influence of the surrounding trees. Sangeetha even attempted to communicate with the birds through her whistling.
In a separate gathering, Varthur Santhosh and the others delved into a lively conversation about agriculture. On the balcony, the evening was infused with the soothing melodies of music. Eshani, transitioning from her signature rap style, delved into classical music, singing the notes "Sare Ga Ma Pa Da Ni Sa."
To entertain the Brindavan team, the contestants joyfully danced to the tune of "Let's Love." Sangeetha and Karthik, Vinay and Tanisha, Eshani and Michael, Pratap and Bhagyashree, Rakshak and Siri, Santhosh Varthur and Prakash partnered up as couples for the lively dance performance. The Brindavan team enthusiastically joined in the dance, creating a thoroughly enjoyable and spirited atmosphere. After the performance, they bid a fond farewell to everyone and departed from the Bigg Boss house.