Girls from a paying guest accommodation in Mangaluru caught a man for allegedly stealing women’s panties and bras. The girls trashed him when they found him hiding after taking a few clothes that were put out to dry. The accused who was trashed, managed to escape. The girls demand action from police as they allegedly let him off in previous cases.
A “habitual women's underwear thief” caused surprise in the entire coastal town of Mangaluru in Karnataka after he managed to escape from the clutches of angry girls at a PG accommodation where he stole panties and bras.
The accused was also caught earlier on two occasions by police and was let off. This may have prompted him to perform this act again. Thinking he may get away with it again, he snuck into a women's PG accommodation on Tuesday night.
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One of the girls who noticed that her clothes put on the terrace to dry were missing, alerted other inmates. The girls soon searched the area and found the accused, a Kerala native, hiding in a corner.
The gang of girls then trashed him, but he managed to escape before police could arrive.
The girls have reached out to a senior police officer and asked for protection as the accused is still at large.