In an incident that has sent tension across Lucknow, a teenage girl shot her mother and brother dead. The incident occurred on Saturday. Police have taken the girl into custody.
Lucknow: A Delhi based senior govt official's wife and son were shot dead by his teenage daughter on Saturday sending the entire city of Lucknow into muted shock.
The girl is said to be suffering from depression, police surmise, given the writings found in the bathroom, allegedly written by the accused.
Police, who upon receiving information reached the house in the afternoon, found the girl's brother in a pool of blood as he was shot in the head. The injuries on the mother's body is yet to ascertained as it was drenched in blood.
The government official, who was reportedly not at home when the incident occurred, was informed of the incident.
While the girl was first made to speak in the presence of her grandparent, she confessed to killing the two. It appears that she also tried to kill herself as there were cuts on her hands and a razor was recovered.
Police also have recovered a 0.22 bore pistol. Police took her into custody and she will later be sent to a juvenile home.