Karnataka faces another price shock as auto fares and milk prices are set to rise. The Auto Drivers' Association demands a Rs 5 per kilometre fare hike due to rising fuel costs, while KMF plans a Rs 3 per liter milk price increase after Sankranti.
The people of Karnataka are in for another price shock as the cost of public transportation and essential items is expected to rise soon. Following the recent hike in KSRTC bus ticket prices, auto fares are likely to go up, further increasing the financial burden on the common man at the beginning of the new year.
After the bus ticket price hike, the Karnataka Auto Drivers' Association has now demanded an increase in auto fares. The association has requested a fare hike of Rs 5 per kilometre, citing the rising costs of petrol, diesel, and gas. Auto drivers have been facing daily struggles due to these frequent price hikes, and the association believes that adjusting the fares is essential to protect the livelihoods of auto drivers.
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It has been three years since the last fare revision in 2021, which only saw a modest Rs 2 hike. The association claims that without a significant fare increase now, many drivers will continue to face severe financial losses, especially with the added competition from rapido bike taxis. To discuss the matter, a meeting was recently held by the Auto Drivers' Association, which highlighted the dire need for a price hike to prevent further economic strain on drivers.
In another blow to consumers, milk prices are also set for an increase. The Karnataka Milk Federation (KMF), in consultation with various milk unions, is planning to raise the milk price by Rs 3 per litre. The price hike, expected to be announced after Sankranti on January 14, aims to benefit farmers. However, this move is likely to pinch consumers' pockets even more.
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Currently, 15 milk unions are demanding a hike of Rs 5 per litre, and KMF is preparing to revise the milk prices soon. While KMF had previously added an extra 50 ML in June when it raised prices by Rs 2 per liter, this time, there will be no additional milk quantity with the price increase.
The impending price hikes in both auto fares and milk will undoubtedly add to the financial strain on the public, especially those already grappling with the effects of rising fuel costs.