
6 coolers to drink to beat the heat

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Watermelon Cucumber Cooler

Blend fresh watermelon chunks with peeled and chopped cucumber, a squeeze of lime juice, and a handful of ice cubes. Strain the mixture and serve it chilled.

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Aam Panna

Prepare a traditional Indian summer drink by boiling raw mangoes until soft, then blending the pulp with mint leaves, roasted cumin powder, black salt, sugar, and water. 

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Lemon Mint Cooler

Combine freshly squeezed lemon juice, mint leaves, a pinch of salt, and sugar or honey to taste with chilled water or soda water. Serve over ice for a revitalizing drink.

Image credits: our own

Coconut Water Refresher

Pour fresh coconut water into a glass filled with ice cubes and add a splash of pineapple juice or lime for extra flavor. Coconut water is hydrating and rich in electrolytes.

Image credits: our own

Cucumber Basil Spritzer

Muddle cucumber slices and fresh basil leaves in a glass. Add sparkling water and a splash of lemon or lime juice. Garnish with a cucumber slice and basil leaf. 

Image credits: Freepik
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