
Lotus to Jasmine: 7 flowers considered sacred for Indian Pujas

Lotus to Jasmine are 7 sacred flowers in India, each with unique symbolism. They enrich religious rituals, symbolizing purity, divinity, and devotion in pujas and ceremonies

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Hibiscus is a vibrant and commonly used flower in Indian pujas. Its bright red petals symbolize the passion and energy of the divine

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This unique and sacred flower associated with Lord Shiva. Despite its toxic nature, it is used in Shiva pujas

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Its vibrant orange and yellow hues represent the sun's radiance. Marigolds are believed to bring positive energy and ward off negativity

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 It symbolizes purity, simplicity, and divinity. Jasmine garlands are commonly used to adorn idols and are offered as a gesture of reverence and devotion

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The most revered flower in Indian culture. It symbolizes purity, enlightenment, and the unfolding of the soul. It is associated with various deities, especially Lord Brahma

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Known as 'Flame of the Forest'; this flower blooms in spring and is offered to goddess Saraswati. Its striking red and orange blossoms are associated with Lord Agni, the fire God

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Night Jasmine (Parijat/Sheuli)

It blooms at night and is believed to have heavenly origins. Offering Night Jasmine in pujas is a way to seek blessing. It blooms in Autumn during Durga Puja

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