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Happy Birthday Pooja Bhatt: 6 unknown facts about the 'Sadak' actress

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Directorial Debut at 21

Pooja Bhatt made her directorial debut at the age of 21 with the film 'Paap' (2003). She demonstrated her versatility by directing, producing, and acting in the movie.

Image credits: instagram

Social Activism

Pooja Bhatt has been involved in various initiatives, including advocating for animal rights and supporting causes related to women's empowerment and mental health awareness.

Image credits: instagram

Alcohol Addiction and Recovery

Pooja Bhatt has been open about her struggles with alcohol addiction and has spread awareness to reduce the stigma surrounding addiction and recovery. 

Image credits: Facebook


Pooja Bhatt is actively involved in philanthropic efforts. She has supported initiatives aimed at providing education and healthcare services to underprivileged communities.

Image credits: Facebook

Family Legacy

Pooja Bhatt is the daughter of acclaimed filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt. Her half-sister, Alia Bhatt, is also a successful actress in Bollywood.

Image credits: pooja bhatt instagram

International Recognition

Pooja Bhatt is primarily known for her work in Indian cinema. Her films have been showcased at various film festivals around the world.

Image credits: Instagram
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