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PC Chacko drops major hint, may join Pawar's NCP and campaign for LDF in Kerala

Speaking to Asianet News, Chacko dropped a major hint when he said that he was looking to join a Congress-like party.

PC Chacko drops major hint, join Sharad Pawar's NCP campaign for LDF in Kerala-VPN
New Delhi, First Published Mar 16, 2021, 2:08 PM IST

Former Congress leader PC Chacko could be moving to Sharad Pawar's Nationalist Congress Party.

Speaking to Asianet News, Chacko dropped a major hint when he said that he was looking to join a Congress-like party.

"I cannot be a part of the Communist party or a party like the BJP. So I want to be part of a party that has the characteristics of the Congress party. I will back Left Front candidates (in Kerala) I am yet to take a final call. I met Sharad Pawar at 1 pm. Later today, at 7 pm, I will be meeting Ghulam Nabi Azad."

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Chacko dropped another major bombshell when he said, "There are many people in the Congress who have a difference of opinion. I came to Delhi to discuss how can these circumstances be used effectively politically."

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Chacko delivered a crushing blow on March 10 to the Congress party ahead of the forthcoming assembly elections when he walked out of the Grand Old Party. His reasons for exiting the party echoed the sentiments expressed by many before him.

In an interview with Asianet Newsable, Chacko detailed how groupism and neglect were allowed to go unchecked by the party high command.

"Some very junior people and personal staff are making party's important decisions, and groupism prevails in every level," he said.

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